Our Center Director, Assoc. Dr. Demir’s COST Project Accepted

The proposal for the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action, which was put in November-2020, where our Center Director Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Demir took charge as a Member of the Management Committee and Turkey Representative, was accepted.

Dr. Demir said in his statement that with the COST Action named “European Network for Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy (OPERA)” and numbered OC-2020-1-24657, it would organize the meeting, workshop, conference, visits, and other scientific events by bringing together scientists working in the field of Epitaxy from 32 countries during 4 years. In this way, he stated that it is aimed to produce innovative and advanced crystal and new-generation devices by increasing interaction. He also emphasized that “the collaborations to be developed within the scope of this project will make significant contributions to our country, especially in terms of strategic product technology with high added value, and that high-budget European Union projects will be paved the way for the continuation of COST projects. Congratulations to Dr. Demir.

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