30 November 2024
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is a high-resolution imaging tool that allows researchers to examine surfaces at the nanometer scale. The working principle of AFM involves a sharp tip mounted on a Cantilever and scans the surface of a sample.. As the tip moves across the sample, the forces between the tip and the surface cause the cantilever to deflect. These deflections are detected by a laser beam reflected from the cantilever to a photodetector. AFM can operate in various modes, such as contact and non-contact modes, depending on the nature of the interaction between the tip and the surface. The data obtained from AFM enables the creation of topographical maps of the surface, providing measurements of surface roughness, texture, and other surface properties. Additionally, AFM can provide information about mechanical properties such as hardness, adhesion, and elasticity, making it a versatile tool for material characterization.