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Human Resources

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity is an inclusive term that defines other identities exhibiting diversity of expression beyond gender, ethnicity, age, and binary frameworks. Unfortunately, some of the most common sectors where women are underrepresented compared to male employees include information technology, engineering, medicine, and science. CÜNAM believes that workplace diversity means the equal employment of men and women from all nationalities and backgrounds, with equal pay, career opportunities, and promotion chances. At CÜNAM, having equal opportunities is shaped by a person’s professional experience and technical skills. However, sectors where female employees are less represented compared to male employees, such as computer science, engineering, medicine, and science, remain prominent. All staff and stakeholders at CÜNAM are encouraged to experience the freedom to be themselves while treating others with respect. As stated in Global Diversity Practices, CÜNAM’s adopted motto is: “Openness to diversity increases our access to the most talented individuals. Inclusion allows us to utilize these talents effectively. Together, this leads to greater innovation, creativity, productivity, reputation, engagement, and results.”