Electrical Technician
Nanophotonics Application and Research Center
Phone: +90 346 487 40 80
Email: fakkus@cumhuriyet.edu.tr
Computer Technician
Nanophotonics Application and Research Center
Phone: +90 346 487 40 90
Email: skulan@cumhuriyet.edu.tr
Office Staff
Nanophotonics Application and Research Center
Phone: +90 346 487 40 90
Email: harunyekbas@cumhuriyet.edu.tr
Office Staff
Nanophotonics Application and Research Center
Phone: +90 346 487 40 83
Email: ilkaydenizmert@cumhuriyet.edu.tr
Human Resources Staff
Nanophotonics Application and Research Center
Phone: +90 346 487 40 83
Email: tugcekaradag@cumhuriyet.edu.tr
Support Staff
Nanophotonics Application and Research Center
Phone: +90 346 487 40 76
Email: mdede@cumhuriyet.edu.tr
Support Staff
Nanophotonics Application and Research Center
Phone: +90 346 487 40 76
Email: nazlisahin@cumhuriyet.edu.tr
Support Staff
Nanophotonics Application and Research Center
Phone: +90 346 487 40 76
Email: muratercan@cumhuriyet.edu.tr